When used in online political language it can mean "based in fact" or the opposite of biased due to the number of people who saw it being first used seriously by the online political right and came to the conclusion that is was related to the phrase "destroyed with facts and logic" in reference to right wing personality Ben Shapiro. The 2015 Edition Cures Update Base Electronic Health Record (EHR) definition is a modification to the 2015 Edition Base EHR definition as a result of certification criteria changes adopted by the ONC Cures Act Final Rule. Sometimes, base words have a prefix, which is a. The base word gives the word its basic meaning. base synonyms, base pronunciation, base translation, English dictionary definition of base.

For that reason the word is largely used meta-ironically (without context you can't tell if it's being used ironically or sincerely as it's used in both ways) and was popularized in online political slang of conservatives and the political right before being adopted into mainstream online political slang (likely through shitposting websites or subreddits such as r/politicalcompass memes that are similar to 4chan in their meta-irony and "edginess" but contain a wider variety of political beliefs) and eventually adopted into general online vernacular. The part of the word that cannot be broken down is called a base word, also known as a root word. the base of a column/glass at the base of something He felt a sharp pain at the base of his spine. The latter usage is the original use as coined by rapper Lil B, and the word originally took off on the meta-ironic website 4Chan with the latter meaning. base noun OPAL W /bes/ /bes/ Idioms lowest part countable, usually singular the lowest part of something, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands The lamp has a heavy base. The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.

Especially common in online political slang. In Marx’s language it is called the superstructure. Why you need a knowledge base In today’s connected world, people expect and demand easy access to accurate information. DEFINITIONS 8 lowest part of something place where something is done ideas etc to start from people/businesses in baseball/rounders main food/substance chemical number phrases 1 the bottom part, edge, or surface of something a tall cliff, with a narrow footpath at its base base of: The pituitary gland is at the base of the brain. Under normal circumstances, the nitrogen-containing bases adenine (A) and thymine (T) pair together, and cytosine (C) and guanine (G) pair.

Knowledge management enables you to create, curate, share, utilize and manage knowledge across your whole company and across industries. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Above it is built up a vast structure of philosophy, law, art, literature, religion, history and civilization. A knowledge base is the foundation for your knowledge management practice. A word used when you agree with something or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e.